Quitting Your Job Etiquette-fully

I Quit

Quitting a job is always challenging. It’s likely that many reasons have precedented your decision.  However, ending gracefully should be the goal.

An Attitude of Gratitude

Gracefully implies orderly.  First things first.  Embracing an attitude of gratitude to your employer.  They had enough faith in you to hire you in the first place.  The person responsible for hiring you should be the first to learn of your decision to leave.  

Thinking forward, you may want your employer to write a letter of recommendation or give a referral.  Handling things correctly now is a sign of your trustworthiness and will reinforce your boss’ faith in himself in making that good hiring decision long ago.

  • Meet or go beyond notification guidelines. 
  • Make an appointment to speak with your boss to discuss an important matter. 
  • When you meet, express your gratitude in having been associated with your employer and company.  
  • If management or your employer is the reason for quitting your job, re-frame your decision in terms of what you would like for yourself.
    “Jonathan, I’ve appreciated the time I’ve worked for you, and I’ve decided that it’s time for me to move on to a different kind of work.”
  • Offer assistance in anything that will help in the transition process.  
  • Keep everything positive!

Your Resignation Letter

If your employer asks for a resignation letter, it is not necessary to state the reason you are leaving.  Be upbeat about your experience and the company.  State the necessary information regarding date of departure and deadlines you will meet with agreed-upon work.  If possible, hand-deliver your letter. 

When you speak with colleagues, individually let each know how you’ve appreciated working with them and express your well-wishes for their success.

Using Etiquette When Quitting Your Job

Following the rules of behavior that etiquette calls for can help you kindly navigate the particular social premises of company culture, which may be one of the reasons you have decided to leave. 

For example, if particular political beliefs are at the core of company sociality, you can politely step aside from topic engagement.  How you present yourself in conversation is entirely up to you!  When people ask you what is next, it’s easy to ask for their blessing in going forward.

Remembering that etiquette is about bringing pleasantness to any situation means that you don’t have to feel guilty about not sharing all of the information and reasons you have for quitting your job.  It is kind and polite to focus on the other persons in the conversation and wish them well.  It feels good to let others know that you will care for them through time and that they are appreciated for all they have done and do for others at the company.

Your aim to build closer working relationships will strengthen your people network.  You will be thought of first when job openings are the subject at hand.  “Graceful” is born out of gratitude and your etiquette-ful attitude will help you be remembered in a positive light.

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